Important Tips to Increase Backlinks with Blog Commenting

One of the most prominent link building techniques used by digital marketers is blog commenting. There are many professionals in the marketing field who either love blog commenting or think it’s utterly useless. The truth, like is most cases, is not so extreme.

In reality, blog commenting can be seen as an effective tool to get backlinks quickly. Unlike guest posting and article submission which take time to bring in a backlink, blog commenting can bring backlinks with something as simple as a genuine comment.

Many bloggers who are today the leaders in their respective niche built their backlinks profile by commenting on high DA websites. Instead of wasting a disportionate amount of time trying to get a backlink with guest posts, digital marketers can get a bunch of powerful backlinks with a little time spent on backlinks.

According to a tweet from the Delhi Courses, In order to get backlinks with blog commenting, a blogger has to first comment on a blog post and add a website in the field designated for the same. Then, the author of the blog can either approve or reject the blog comment.

The key in blog commenting is to get a comment approved. Since the website runner is likely to know that you’re posting a comment to get a backlink, your comment needs to be extra special to still get approved.

In this article, we will give some crucial blog commenting tips which will help you get backlinks.

Be Genuine

This is something so basic nobody actually remembers.

Being genuine is being decent and honest while commenting. Read through the content written by the author before commenting. Try to understand the point the author is trying to make. Note the things the author has done well and some gaps in the content which can improve it even more.

While commenting, be original and give your original, unfiltered thoughts of the content. By doing so, you are likely to get your comment approved 60-70% of the time, which is really not a bad number says DCA.

Don’t State the Obvious

Leaving comments like ‘Nice work’ or ‘Well done’ at the end of a blog post and expecting to get the comment approved is not very short of wishful thinking.

While commenting on a blog, the blogger will know why you are commenting with your website URL. The blogger will know you want to extract a backlink during the process. Why will the blogger then approve your comment when he/she knows you have no interest in the actual content?

Make an effort. Try showing the blogger that you appreciate the way the blog is written. If you have a query, feel free to frame your question in the comment.

Don’t Waste Time on Low DA websites

Many bloggers waste time getting backlinks from low DA websites. The problem in doing so is that low DA websites are themselves most likely looking for backlinks and traffic resources. They are thus more incentivized to reject any blog comments with a link attached to another website.

High DA websites on the other hand are more open to accepting blog comments if they are genuine. Since they already have a large flow of traffic coming, high DA websites instead focus on growing their community. They are more interested in user feedback and community building. Getting high DA backlinks is also great for someone looking for the same.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers some great tips for blog commenting,
