SEO Services for Nonprofit Organizations: Driving Online Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. It is necessary for the visibility of a website and is an unpaid effort. In the present day, there is nothing more likely than Googling to find any information and taking into account that the first results are the ones that have the most attention and probabilities of being visited, it is important for a website to be on the top finds for it related to whatever it is offering. Nonprofit organizations have great causes and needs to be exposed, taking care of their online presence for the people they’re trying to help or seeking help should be on the same importance level as a business may have for its all volunteers, donors, and most importantly to the public, when find a nonprofit site it is most likely these visitors may end up being the donators and a great online image may impact them to continue future. In our current world, all organization must have some type of online presence to be relevant. An online presence is defined by SEO because it is the key set of efforts to make a website more visible on search engines. It is difficult to understand the importance of SEO for those with little understanding of how the internet works but take this simple concept: people rely on search engines to find any simple piece of information, when ones website is hidden on the 10th page of the search results majority will never find it. A nonprofit organization’s ability to accomplish its mission is directly related to its ability to bring people to its website. Therefore, if SEO can help a nonprofit efficiently achieve its objectives, it can be the difference maker.

What is SEO?

Effective search engine optimization can also require modifications to the HTML supply of a website and the site content. SEO tactics might be included into website improvement and layout. The term “search engine friendly” might be used to explain internet site designs, menus, content management systems, URLs, and shopping carts which might be easy to optimize.

Optimizing an internet site might consist of editing its content, HTML and associated coding to each growth its relevance to specific key phrases and to take away limitations to the indexing activities of search engines. Selling a site to increase the quantity of backlinks, or inbound hyperlinks is some other SEO tactic.

Search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO, refers back to the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine’s unpaid outcomes – regularly referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” outcomes. Normally, the sooner (or higher ranked at the search effects page), and more regularly a site appears within the seek effects listing, the extra site visitors it’s going to get hold of from the quest engine’s users. SEO can goal differing kinds of seek, consisting of picture search, local seek, video seek, educational seek, information search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

Importance of SEO for Nonprofit Organizations

Optimizing a website using search engine strategies is a fundamental step in a business’s success in the 21st century and remains a widely underutilized marketing tool. The internet has become an instrumental venue for enhancing global awareness for a variety of issues. Non-profit organizations benefit from certain methods of marketing techniques which are vital to success in promoting public awareness. Search engine optimization effective cost management and leveraging free services and products. For-profit organizations are able to employ many forms of viral marketing to promote their businesses with high funds that can be invested in marketing strategies through internet radio and video as well as pay-per-click advertising. While these methods prove very effective because they take advantage of the many free services and products on the internet, SEO provides a viable alternative with the potential to reach millions of consumers who are active internet users and are searching for information on the many products and services available online. In a media consumption study conducted by The Center for Media Research, it was found that over 80% of Americans consult a search engine as a primary or secondary resource for information on a daily basis. With the use of SEO, non-profit organizations can prompt interest in causes and products and services relating to their organizational objectives to a broad or specific audience with a high return on investment.

Sotavento Medios: A Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Singapore

Deeply committed to providing quality service, our team consists of individuals who are highly proficient in various aspects of IT and internet marketing. We maintain a high level of professionalism in our work and our services are marked by quality, in all aspects, from the initial consultation with the client, to our implementation of online campaigns and our monthly reports. It is our belief that a tangible level of success cannot be achieved without a solid and ongoing commitment to quality.

Sotavento Medios is a leading digital marketing agency specializing in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for companies in Singapore. New to the highly innovative and evolving field of online marketing, the company was founded by an internet-savvy businessman with a background in IT and internet marketing. Recognizing the increasingly important role of search engine marketing, Sotavento Medios is dedicated to helping businesses create an effective online presence to reach a targeted audience.

Benefits of SEO Services for Nonprofit Organizations

SEO services can be an outstanding for a nonprofit organization. SEO can support in an attainment to get some recognition by the people. Recognition is one the most crucial aspects for a nonprofit organization to stay alive and continue in its mission. Without the recognition, no one will know the origin of this kind of organization. So, this is where SEO can be able to lend a hand. SEO services can assist in generating the websites on a search engines. Then it can get possibility to acquire few page views. And with the good fortune, the site can be on the top list of the search engine. By this, the organization can still be in contact with people because these days most of the people are finding the information through internet. Through SEO, it can guarantee that the organization is still in contact with people. This way, it can act to give some awareness to public about the organization. And awareness is related to the recognition.

Keywords are the precise combination of relevant or specific words which are entered into search engines in searching information. Search engine optimization works as a leader to find out best and suitable keywords according to your industry and then making the strategy based on these keywords to achieve high rankings in various search engines. It’s a fact that most of the website traffic is driven by major commercial search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo! So if your website is having a good ranking in these search engines obviously you are going to have an increase in your business. But ranking high with the search engines is not an easy job. For that you need to optimize your site either you can do it yourself or you can hire a local SEO agency that can help you get the good results.

Increased Online Visibility

Nonprofits who are working on a restricted budget can benefit from SEO services in a few ways. There are many actions that can be taken on a website and off a website to improve search engine rankings. Reallocating an existing employee to learn how to implement SEO can be costly for an organization. Sadly, the results garnered by this employee will not be as effective as a professional. Outsourcing the SEO initiatives to a professional SEO company can free up an employee to do more important work on the organization’s site. Professional SEO services can yield much faster results and can produce much more effective results. Hiring someone to fill an SEO role within the company is also not cost-effective, as the services required are only needed on a part-time or full-time basis. Many SEO companies will work on a contract and deliver results for specific services. This is beneficial to the nonprofit, as they can allocate fewer or more funds to these services at any given time, without the need to hire a new employee.

Increased online visibility can directly increase the number of leads and referrals to the nonprofit, its services, and mission. When a nonprofit ranks high in search engines, it is more likely that their mission, cause, and information about it will reach a larger audience. Current supporters will be able to find the nonprofit more easily, and new supporters can be informed. This can result in increased brand awareness and affinity. Whether it’s support through donations or by purchasing an event ticket, when there is an increase in the number of visitors to your site, it’s easier to get people to take the action you want them to. This can result in a significant increase in your sales and leads, which directly affects the organization’s bottom line.

Higher Website Traffic

Another way to measure the increase in traffic is to track where the traffic is coming from. A good, well-planned SEO strategy should result in higher traffic from search engines at the same time that it increases traffic from your target audience. An increase in traffic between high-quality sites is also an indication of increased targeted traffic.

To measure the success of increasing traffic to a website, you can compare server logs from before and after SEO. Some log analysis software can track individual user’s behavior before, during, and after the user conducts a search. This is extremely useful for organizations that utilize offline advertising. This way, you can see how search engine traffic is used to drive users to your website more effectively.

The goal of the website is to drive qualified traffic. With more traffic, especially if it is targeted, a nonprofit organization can gain more donations, more volunteers, and more support for their cause. By improving the amount and quality of traffic to the website, we have a better chance of increasing support for the organization.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Improved search engine rankings brought about by search engine optimization services can help a nonprofit organization gain better visibility in the quest to make a positive impact. When a consumer searches for information on the internet, they will be more likely to click on a company that is listed on the first page of search engine results than one that is on the second or third page. Studies have shown that companies on the first page of search engine results will receive up to 92% of traffic from that search, with the traffic dropping off significantly as you go further back in the results. This is extremely important for a company that relies on donors to support their cause, as they are trying to reach current and potential supporters with the message about the good that they are doing. SEO services can help to improve the rankings of specific pages with keywords that are most relevant to the site. For example, take a company that is attempting to promote the building of low-income housing in New York. An SEO specialist would help to promote the specific key of the funding campaign for the housing project on a specific page of the website. When someone types in a search phrase that is relevant to the campaign, they will get to the search results for that specific key, promoting the chance that someone will visit the website and actually give to the cause. This is contrary to general paid advertising, which often delivers unproductive traffic to a website.

Enhanced User Experience

Implementation of web analytics is an integral part of any online marketing campaign. It allows you to gather information on your current and potential visitors such as who they are, what keywords they use to find your site, what they do once they are on your site and how long they stay. This information is vital because it can help to determine where is the best place to target your different user groups and what changes are currently bringing about the most positive results. This data is also collected over time so a comparison can be made between past and present, it also enables you to track your competition and react to changes in the market place. Web analytics can give plenty of insight into your site and provide data for specific measurable results. Step one: Finding out who your visitors are, If you already have a web analytics solution in place we can determine its currently efficiency and whether or not it is providing you with the best results. This is then followed by implementation, we will put the necessary code into your website and set up the necessary accounts to track your visitors. With a web analytics tool in place we can now begin to gather and analyze data.

When a user lands on your website, a nonprofit website or any other, your message needs to be compelling and your pages need to be attractive, functional and intuitive. With a clear understanding of your target user, we can analyze your website from the user perspective and improve the call to action and general user flow. We will hone in on areas of improvement and provide detailed recommendations on the best way to enhance your website for both search engines and users. We can provide a number of services to solve the problems highlighted during an SEO campaign including implementation of web analytics, usability testing, an improved user interface and design, and web design and web development.

Key Strategies for SEO Services

Considered by some to be the most important part of SEO, choosing targeted keywords to increase your search engine ranking is crucial. Keywords should be chosen based on the likelihood that they will bring in targeted traffic to your website. For example, even though the keyword “free” has a large amount of traffic and searches, if you are a nonprofit organization that accepts donations, your visitors arriving at your site via the keyword “free” may not be what you are looking for. It is usually best to start with a large list of keywords related to your organization, brainstorming various different ways people might search for information that your site provides and then using a keyword research tool to determine which keywords you should focus on that will give you the best return. This research can usually show you the number of searches for a keyword and the amount of competition you will have if you were to try to obtain a higher ranking for that keyword. Choosing keywords with a high ratio of searches to competition is the best way to begin to achieve high search engine ranking with a minimal amount of resources.

This section details the specific strategies we will employ to begin to increase your nonprofit organization’s online visibility. Using a variety of these strategies over time will result in a dramatic increase in the number of visitors who are looking for the products, services, or information that your organization provides.

Keyword Research and Optimization

One of the first things a nonprofit organization should focus on when deciding to market with SEO is the keyword research. First, the organization should identify and make a list of the most important keywords for their cause. This should involve brainstorming with people who understand the organization’s aim, and also doing some research on what keywords are most used by searchers online. These keywords are the ones that they would like their website to show up for in a search engine. Secondly, once they have identified the keywords, they will need to find out what keywords are most attainable for their website. There are many keywords that are too competitive for a new site to attain a high ranking in the search engines. These keywords often generate large amounts of traffic, and therefore it is tempting to try and optimize a site to rank highly for them. Unfortunately, this can be a waste of time and money as the traffic generated is not highly targeted. The best way to judge what keywords are most attainable is to do a search for the keyword in quotes to find out how many other websites are trying to compete for that keyword. An even better gauge is to install the Google Toolbar and use the PageRank feature to see how competitive a keyword is. If the PageRank of the top sites is three or higher, it is too competitive to rank for and the organization should seek a less competitive alternative.

On-Page SEO Optimization

The URL of your site should be static and have a simple directory folder structure. A static URL is more search engine friendly and easier to index compared to a dynamic URL. Headings are usually the first thing that audiences read, and they compare them to the rest of the content. Therefore, it is important for headings to be relevant to the content.

When it comes to keywords, it is important to emphasize them in the first and last paragraphs of the article. Meta tags are used to provide data about the page or document being tagged, making your website more search-engine friendly. The title is the most important and prominent area to include your keywords. Keywords can also be used in headings, topic sentences, concluding sentences, and links to other pages within the same site.

The most important aspect of on-page optimization is the content itself. The content should be rich, well-structured, and based on the targeted keywords. Some websites still believe that stuffing keywords into their articles will improve their rankings, but search engines can now identify keyword stuffing and prioritize valuable content.

On-page optimization is a key step in the process of search engine optimization for a website. This is the process of optimizing the individual web pages to attain higher rankings and bring in more relevant traffic from search engines. On-page optimization involves fine-tuning the content and structure of your website, using targeted keywords to help search engines understand the information provided. By doing so, search engines can provide more targeted traffic to your website.

Off-Page SEO Techniques

The third key strategy of SEO service for non-profit organizations is using off-page SEO techniques. In off-page SEO, link building is the most popular tactic. This is done by persuading other websites to link to your own site. Links are valuable for a number of reasons, the first being that they help search engines determine how authoritative your website is. This is a key factor when one website has to be chosen over another to be displayed in search results. Another factor is anchor text. If the anchor text for a link contains relevant keywords, those keywords will be given more weight. However, it is important to acquire high-quality links from reputable websites. If a website has content that is irrelevant to your own, receiving a link from there is pointless and could even damage your website’s reputation. An effective alternative to link building is generating links through content. This can be done by producing high-quality content that people will want to engage with. For example, creating a well-designed infographic on an interesting topic and placing it on your website can potentially result in the graphic being used on other websites with a link back to your own. This is a very effective method for acquiring links.

Content Marketing and Link Building

Content marketing is the art of understanding exactly what your customers need and delivering it to them in a useful manner. For non-profits, the aim is to be perceived as a reliable source of information. It is important to create and curate content that is useful, valuable, and relevant to what the customer needs. This will help increase your visibility in the search engine results page as the more relevant content will give you higher chances to appear above the general results. With content marketing, customers have a chance to engage and build a relationship with your organization, for instance, interactive online games or quizzes. Other than content creation, it is also possible to curate content. This involves gathering a list of content created by different sources around the web and organizing them in a way that is valuable to the customer, which saves them a lot of time and earns you extra kudos points. For example, an internet marketing-related industry might need some online marketing tips. Curating content for them might be a compilation of the best online marketing tactics whitepaper around the web. This tactic can be combined with content creation for more content, therefore higher visibility. This also has the added advantage of being able to leverage the relationships with the content sources as they may share the curated content to their audience and you can also request backlinks from them.
